This pottery place/art gallery/event center is fast becoming our favorite place to hang. They have things happening all the time, free to attend and fun always! This past weekend was "Cajun Fest", complete with fabulous Cajun music and dancing, buckets and buckets of gumbo, and french bread. There was no charge for the meal but we were encouraged to make a donation to the Cambridge Springs Public Library. What a great idea! Since Cambridge Springs is our new hometown we were happy to do so.
This is Roy....don't ask me....I have no clue. It's called an Afro Visor. (I think it might be a case of "hair envy". ) He made a lot of new friends as a result! And, for some reason, when he puts it on, he is able to do a really scary impression of "Kramer". (from Seinfeld)
A happy man after downing a large bowl of gumbo.....
The band was fabulous!
Mo Mojo's Band
What a wonderful discovery! Gee your new home town sounds so inviting. d
Can't decide which picture of Roy I like best... the hairy one has a certain charm but he looks so happy with his bucket of gumbo. A relief too since I'd been thinking it dreadfully remiss of me to not make y'all gumbo before you left. And Zydeco too - did you two dance the Cajum two-step?
Here we are in final throes of Sunflower & Poets & Writers Picnic - another relief when they're over. Day off today, more or less, just catch mail, blog a few event updates, decide which Jude Original sunflower shirt to wear tomorrow & whether to wear sunflower necklace or attach to hat.
Kramer....Don King....Buckwheat....really nice look... Seems like Roy is just nurturing the inner pimp. HAHAHA
Hope you are doing well. It sure looks like it!
Nice to hear from all of you back in Mountainair! Vanessa, Roy looks good from any angle (grin). Dennis, the way your brain works is really kinda creepy! Tomas, I see you have a blog but nothing actually on it? Remember, a blog is like a goldfish, if you don't feed it, it will die!
Miss you all!
ANNOUNCEMENT! To Jude's loyal followers and friends, she asked me to let you know she has not forgotten you. As usual in any move, there's a glitch. Unfortunately, it's with the internet hook-up people. (argh!) She has lots of wonderful things to share, so please stay tuned. She sends her love.
Sister Suze
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