As lovely as the outside of Mom's home is, the inside is equally charming. Here are some photos of her space....somewhat cluttered as there were several of us staying with her. In addition, my sister Kathleen and I both brought art projects to work on and our "ephemera" seems to spread out as we create! These beautiful windows look out at the forest behind the house where those very tall trees are. 
The staircase going to the upper level has painted tiles on every riser. Most of them were painted by Mother, with a few contributed by family members. You can see a small portion of the wall showing joyful dancing ladies painted by Kathleen.

Beautiful quilts decorate the walls and are frequently changed out as she has many of them. 

a number of popular sayings come to mind - of the apples not falling far from trees variety.
Well, I think one of Mom's unspoken messages for all of us is that good mental health and sanity comes from keeping your hands busy in any creative endeavor. She has been an inspiration to many.
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