Saturday, May 15, 2010


" So this bear walked into a bar......" Actually, THIS bear walked right up our driveway yesterday evening! Isn't he (she?) fabulous? He ambled up the long driveway, stopped momentarily at the edge of the parking pad, looked around and saw us standing in front of the french doors, and then slowly ambled back down the driveway. It was amazing. So now, we can add "a bear" to the ever lengthening list of animals and birds who visit us.


Deborah said...

It's great that you got a photo!

Kris said...

Yowsa! It is always great to see a bear at safe distance! Once while at our cabin we were on our balcony and right below us was a bear eating grapes off the vines that wound right up to us. Although a good 12 feet UP from the bear was perhaps ok (for a moment)....I retreated indoors! Wish we had some french doors like you to view from :)
Great sighting!! Great snap shot!

Unknown said...

Kris, love your story! I was lucky the camera was handy! Hope he(she) comes back (when we are inside of course).

Sue said...

Oh my. I don't know if I'd handle a bear sighting all that well. I hope we don't add that to our list here in NE Ohio. Last week we had a coyote cross the backyard, and yesterday morning, a hawk dining at the edge of our pond.

Unknown said...

Sue, coyotes are so cool! We remember waking up in the middle of the night in New Mexico and hearing a pack of them right outside the window; no doubt chasing one of my bunnies....:(

JoanMarie said...

That's really awesome Jude but I certainly hope you don't feed him/her! I showed Mike and now he's sending me something to put on my blog. I'll upload it today so you can see it too. :) In the meantime, I hope you're enjoying this lovely Sunday afternoon!

Unknown said...

Hello my friend! Nope, no bear feeding going on here. Roy thinks we probably won't see it again. It was a pretty cool moment though!