Saturday, May 29, 2010


"Mrs. Sophary Phat is 34 years old and her husband, Mr. Bo Rous, is 35 years old. They have been married since 1994 and have two children: one son and one daughter, both of them still young. The family lives in a small village along National Road Number One about fifteen kilometers from Phnom Penh City. Her husband has full-time employment.Sophary has been running a grocery store in her village for ten years. She is requesting her first loan of $600 to remodel her grocery store."
This information is copied from the KIVA site where I selected Sophary as a loan recipient. If you are not familiar with KIVA, I encourage you to read about this program. As a lender you can, with a very small amount of money, make it possible for impoverished but hard working people to improve their standard of living by helping them in their businesses. As my partners repay their loans I am able to make additional loans to new entrepreneurs. See and consider becoming a lender. It feels good!

1 comment:

KathyB said...

I assume this is her house. Imagine how much she could do on her store with $600. Good for you ! : ) luvya