Friday, December 31, 2010
At our recent family gift exchange I was the very fortunate person to receive this lovely piece of artwork made by my great niece, Libby. It is constructed with small pieces of scrap wood and painted. Libby tells me the name of the piece is "Carrot Boat Going to Ireland On The Ocean".
I absolutely love it and it will have a place of honor on my studio wall. Miss Libby, please continue to do these creative things and do them often. You have the good fortune to be born into a family of many creative people and it looks like you will be carrying on the tradition. Way to go Libby!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
... was the Second Annual Holiday Family Gift Exchange! Since holiday baking is a passion for me, the buffet table was heavy! On this end of the table you can see the family candelabra holding court over many kinds of cookies, a cheese stand and a tower of mini gingerbread cupcakes.
On the other end of the table is a mountain village of lighted ceramic buildings, tiny trees and people. Here we have fresh fruit kabobs, meat, cheese and chili empanadas and Ricotta cheese, spinach and bacon empanadas.
I had so much fun putting this all together! We also had wine and coffee and water for the children.
After we had finished eating we had the "Secret Santa" gift exchange. It was so nice to see the care that each family member took in selecting just the right gift for their recipient. And of course, the hand made and imaginative gift wrappings were fabulous!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
The following article, written by Laura Coblentz, was printed in a recent issue of a local newspaper called the Albion News. It is a regular column titled "Amish Country" and discusses current happenings in the local Amish community. I was so taken by the information, its sweetness and simplicity that I thought you, my readers, might take away similar feelings at this time of thankfulness and reflection.
"Thursday the ladies had a combined sewing for both districts. They assembled 50 baby bundles. They had 10 sewing machines humming all day. This is what goes into a bundle: one comforter, two receiving blankets, six diapers (cloth), two pairs of rubber pants, two onesies, two sleepers, one towel, two washcloths, one bar soap, one bottle and two pairs of booties. These are all wrapped in a towel closed with safety pins. Each lady was to bring two bars of soap along. Mose Troyers and Emanuel Erbs were in charge of the sewing but Martha Fisher was in charge of the bundles. They also quilted two large quilts."
The article continues with information about the coming and goings of various Amish families, who is visiting from out of town and who is leaving to visit elsewhere. Sometimes I am quite drawn to this simple way of life.......strong in family congregation and gatherings for singular purpose.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Here Buttercup is trying to see into the kitchen while Mom keeps a lookout.
Everything is OK so she can concentrate on the corn.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
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