Saturday, June 11, 2011


Or, where everyone goes to buy chickens: We are in the process of accumulating information so we can be informed "chicken people". We would like to have chickens to provide us with fresh eggs. We are not interested in raising chickens. So, we visited Indian Run Farm, the local place for all things fowl. Here you can see a brand new (born that day) baby goose. How cute is that!? In this photograph the farm owners were trying to distract the mother of that new baby so they could take it in the barn for safety. If left outside, it would be in danger from predators, particularly owls. The mother was not happy. She still had nine more eggs soon to hatch. You can see her nest here on the ground.
There were several peacocks, this one sunning himself with no concern for all of us wandering around.
There were several roosters showing off.
This is the fenced in area containing the Emu. Can I just mention here that they have deceptively long necks and love to nip at your arms and shoulders?! They do have the most quizzical look.
Here you can see some of the guinea hens. They have beautiful gray spotted feathers!
I think this is a rooster of the Americana breed. This is the breed of chicken we have decided to have. They produce eggs of several hues of blue and green. We shall see!
Here you can see Roy following the farm owner out to check on all the birds. All the different birds just follow along in a large flock.
Postscript: When we got home Roy generously offered to clean all that "goose poop" from the tread of my sandals. Thank you Roy!

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