Self-promotion is hard! Rejection is real. But, unless I do this, my studio will fill up with stacks and stacks of artworks and no one will see them. I love creating my work, but even more, I love having other people enjoy it. So, since there never has been a long line of people outside my studio, I needed to figure out how to "put it out there". Yesterday ( after writing a letter of introduction via e-mail) I met with the coordinator of a fabulous program called "PA Route 6 Artisan Trail." After looking at my work and spending 2 hours talking about all the opportunities available to artists locally, he invited me to submit three pieces, of my choosing, to become a part of the PA Route 6 Artisan Trail exhibit. This exhibit currently has 70 pieces of work that will, over the next year, travel along Route 6 in PA, being hung in galleries and other venues across the entire state. So far, the exhibit has been displayed in three locations with an attendance over 3000. After the exhibit finishes the PA tour sites, it will begin it's journey the length of the United States for a period of 3-4 years. As it travels, it will form the impetus for the creation of the proposed National Route 6 Artisan Trail. After much thought, these are the three pieces I have selected.

"Time Traveler" - wall art doll

"Pods" - painted fabric
"Bella" - paper collage with acrylic
I will deliver these to the coordinator on September 10th to begin their long journey away from the studio. I am so excited to have this opportunity and if, by chance, the exhibit comes close to your home over the next 4 years, I encourage you to check it out. In the meantime, I hope I don't foget what my work looks like! Here is a link to the PA Route 6 Artisan Trail site. I invite you to read about this wonderful adventure!
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