Tuesday, December 9, 2008


This is what we woke up to this morning! Isn't it beautiful? My poor little birds didn't miss a beat however. They just started scratching around like they do every morning and I put on clothes and shoes(not my sandals) and got fresh seeds out. Of course it kept snowing most of the day and the seeds were quickly covered up. One of our doves is quite good at the "sweep motion" with her beak and quickly uncovered much.
So, what to do on a beautiful wintry day? Ahhhh! Two projects: baking more cookies (I know, but you really can never have too many cookies), and I started another rug. Big problem with these cookies; too many to fit in the decorative tin and I need to put them in the freezer. Oh well, we will have to eat a few. Not a problem.
Now for the rug; a recent trip to our only thrift store netted these beautiful tee shirts. All I could stuff in a plastic bag for $2.00. Here they are after being washed and dried. And, here they are after being turned into rug weaving strips. And here, the beginnings of the rug. Bright sunny colors, the perfect project for a cold day! When it is finished I will post a final photograph.

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