Roy is poised to totally revamp my web site to include my painted accessories. Since I have every last piece of inventory in the Firenza Gallery it means I need to get busy making more! Indeed, I am doing just that. Behold some of yesterday's painted fabric.
Each piece is approximately 9 square feet. After the paint dries, I cut the large pieces into the right sizes to make the wallets and totes. Here you can see the next six tote bag fronts.
So, tell me what you think of this idea please? If I offered painted fabric on my web site, in various sizes (like 8 X 10 for example), what could a person do with that? It would stick to almost any surface, from wood to concrete to paper to rubber. A larger piece could be framed. Smaller pieces could be used to cover journals. Can you suggest some other ideas? Put your creative thinking caps on and come up with some unique ideas. I think this might be fun as the fabric painting is really the part I enjoy the most. I would love your input! Thanks all!
You have nothing to lose by trying that. dee
Good point Dee. If pieces did not sell, I would just make something out of them!
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