Brave women wear paint! That's my theory anyway.
I have just finished painting a pair of denim jeans. Remember that denim vest I painted and blogged here some time back? These resemble that a lot! We are planning a fun trip to Taos, NM later this month. I think that might be the absolute perfect place to wear paint! These photographs show a close up of some of the details.

They are faboulous and look fantastic with the vest!
Thanks Alison and welcome to my blog!
As always, your creations WOW me! I've just spent my whole morning looking over your amazing blog! There are so many things I love about it, I have no idea where I would even begin to tag my favorites. I hope it's ok with you that I follow your blog - it certainly gives me inspiration for new creativity! I love the way you show your work and then advise the reader to go make it! Very cute.
Thanks for sharing Jude!
Happy creating,
HI Joan! I am glad you are reading my blog. I really enjoy writing it and sharing photos. It does take a lot of time away from creating but my readers seem to appreciate it! So, since I know you have paints and jeans.........have you started painting????
Hey Jude! Ummm, nope - I haven't started but you got me thinking about an old pair of work jeans that I could paint and use for gardening! It's so very conservative here...I doubt I'd wear them out and about but I sure wish I had the nerve to. That's one thing I've always admired about you - Your free spirit! Actually 2009 is bringing about a fresh start of going out of my comfort zone so perhaps painted clothing should be on that list! ;) I just had a thought about a pair of jeans I sewed printed fabric on to cover the holes and they were pretty cool. I wore them when I went to school camp with my daughter. The kids thought I was cool - my daughter didn't! LOL Anyway, thanks for inspiring me once again!
Hope you have a great weekend!
Joan, here is what will happen. You will paint your gardening jeans and love them. One day, while wearing them, you will forget you have them on and dash off to the store for something. Someone will stop you and ask where you got those totally cool jeans! That's all there is to it! Then convince them to paint their own jeans!
Wear as much paint(ed couture) as possible when in Taos... and don't forget to have that painted business card carrier at the ready...
Absolutely! Along with my painted shoes (grin).
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