I don't have the words to tell you how fantastic this performance was. I found myself forgetting to breathe as the dance and the music and the voice surrounded me for 2 hours of sensory overload. It was just beautiful......
After it was over we went to our favorite Erie restaurant, "Pufferbellys" on French Street. Roy had the Greek salad and I had the tomato and basil bruschetta. Eating light has a benefit; dessert!
Roy had peanut butter pie and I ordered an apple, cinnamon, and walnut bread pudding. The weather was warm and all during the drive home we noticed daffodils everywhere along the road side. They seem to have just bloomed overnight! A very special day we will remember for a long time.

Awesome Jude and what great photos! Glad you had such a wonderful time!
Happy Easter Hugs,
Joan :)
The photos are not mine Joan; picked them off the Internet! If you ever get an opportunity to see this, I hope you do!
Easter Hugs to you also!
I'm glad you had a good time!
Oh, and you captured it so beautifully in your photos!!! Wow!!!
Chaska welcome to my blog! The photos were taken from the Internet. If you even think about using your camera during the performance they will drag you kicking and screaming out into the street and beat you up with a stack of programs!
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