Sunday, April 20, 2008


Maybe the best way to meet an artist is to see where she creates. Here are some photos of my studio...a wonderfully messy place full of color, fabrics, paints and brushes, books and art dolls, journals and yarn. Also you will see a loom that my Mother gave me. The best part of my studio is the wall of very tall south facing windows that welcomes the beautiful sunshine that is such a constant here in New Mexico. Every day I play here.....sometimes with a plan, often without. It is a place that gives me joy and serenity and peace.


Vanessa Vaile said...

Looks good. Wonderful pictures. I can't wait to link & announce you - blogging the blog.

Another way to manage pictures + text - just keep on as you are - alternate all text and all picture posts.

Roy said...

Hey Jude! You make my heart sing!