Soon after Cora opened her bakery, a magical thing happened. Martha, the now retired school teacher, has made Saturday morning her regular coffee and pastry day. At the end of the porch on the front of the bakery is a large rocking chair with a ruffled pillow cushion. Beside the rocker is a small table to hold her coffee and a stack of story books. Martha adopted this rocker and has became a regular fixture on the porch on Saturdays. She always carries her large brown prairie bag with her leather journal but now she is also carrying a handful of children's books. Cora had asked her one day if she would like to read to the children who usually show up on Saturday mornings. Martha, even though retired, missed the children and was eager to read!
Now, unless the weather is just too cold, Martha arrives promptly at 10 o'clock and makes herself comfortable in the rocking chair. Cora puts out a stack of small oval braided rugs she made for the children to sit on and the story hour begins. Martha has carefully selected some books, making sure they would appeal to girls and boys alike. Here are some of the ones that have become favorites with the children. 

The Quiet Little Women???? Is that what that says? I don't remember *that* title....
I don't either. but, it was a photo of a book from Amazon and I loved the colors.on the I picked that one!
I don't either. but, it was a photo of a book from Amazon and I loved the colors.on the I picked that one!
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