Tuesday, January 27, 2009
The class is really taking off now as we all get more comfortable with handling clay.
In case you think this pottery stuff is easy, that beautiful bowl on the top shelf left was done by The Master. Today we worked again on coiled pottery, trying to make the walls of the bowls arch inwards toward the center. The key is to have the bowl hardened a bit before additional coils are added to the rim. While waiting for my bowl to harden somewhat, I was able to add color to the " shard- like" pieces I created last week. Tomas had fired about half of them so they now have several colors of matte glaze as well as some shinier ones. This photo shows the fired pieces.....
.......and this photo shows them with the glazes applied. You DO know that the colors you see here are in no way going to resemble the fired finished look, right?
I also am experimenting by adding a small flat- sided glass orb to one of the bowls I completed earlier. It will be interesting to see what happens to that glass when the bowl is fired again. The experimentation is the part I most enjoy about learning new processes!
On our way into town this morning we were greeted by several of the horses at the ranch.
When we stopped to take photos they really seemed determined to get their heads in the window, presumably for treats? (I really have no idea what horse treats are). Check out that big ole horse eye in the rear view mirror!
The low temperature last night was 14 degrees. It looks like a warm summer day doesn't it?
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We're featuring pottery on our blog tomorrow. Hope you have time to stop by. Thanks for sharing all of those great links and good luck on your blog!
Greensboro Daily Photo
I found you because you had a recent blog comment on pottery (through google). Your blog looks interesting. I can't tell exactly what city you are in but, outwest, I'm assuming.
Please stop back tomorrow to see our pottery post. We have many potter friends and acquaintances in North Carolina and plan to post more on pottery!
HI Jan!
It is just a mystery to me how people find blogs. So glad you found mine! Yes, outwest we are; in New Mexico. I will check your blog tomorrow!
Horse treats! (Have I ever mentioned that my dad was a harness maker, and he raised and bred draft horses? That in his younger years he had a "riding academy"?)
Anyway...horse treats = apples and carrots. They love 'em.
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