...I went looking for reading material. This is the perfect time of year to sit outside in New Mexico. I like to take coffee and book to the porch in the morning and read with the birds and that pesky squirrel. I found this small book on the bookshelf. " The Peddler of Pithole".
I have had it since 1977, as evidenced by the date in the inscription to me from the author. I have absolutely no memory of the book or the author. Perhaps it was a gift from my Mother? Her idea of the perfect gift has always been "a book", particularly for children. She has carefully chosen books for children, grand children and great grand children. Out there in the world there are a lot of people who are better because of her passion for books and reading. This small book is an historical novel which takes place in the Pittsburgh PA area and mentions real towns in the area where I grew up. It was an easy and fun read, but had a curiously abrupt ending. Almost as if the author just said one day, "I am finished writing this". In all fairness, I should be gentle on books and authors I read immediately after reading Hemingway!
This next book will take a while longer. (apologies for the glare on that shiny cover)
"Regards From The Dead Princess" by Kenize Mourad is also an historical novel taking place at the end of World War One in parts of Europe and the Middle East. I have just started it and am enjoying it. When my eyes get tired of reading, I am working on 3 altered vests to ship to the Firenza Gallery in Arroyo Seco. I will share photographs with you when they are finished. Do have a good day, all of you and thanks for visiting!