Some time ago, no doubt when it was really cold, I started stitching. I had two jackets and a skirt from the thrift store, all either wool or velvet. I washed them and cut them apart, and started just cutting and stitching. I had no plan, no direction, just stitching. It got bigger and bigger. I added embroidery stitching to the patches. And still it got bigger. Yesterday I bought 2 yards of black velveteen and today it all came together in a striking lap quilt measuring 39 x 57. I may do a bit more decorative stitching on it, but it is just about where I want it to be.
These colors are a different twist for me, as well as the fabric types!
"... just where YOU want it to be" ? I just now pictured where I "want it to be" ... but it looks nice on YOUR chair too. I really do like those colors. (how did you make plaid look creative ?) You really are a busy little beaver aren't you? Well I have 25 more days to teach, then I may try to keep up with you. CAN'T WAIT ! more later.
Oh wow..only 25 more days! Will there be a party?
I knew you would like the colors. I forgot to mention I also felted a purple sweater to use on it. The whole thing is very tactile! Most of it is hand stitched too, even some of the seams because I couldn't get my left arm up to the sewing machine to guide the fabric! but, I would not be denied (grin).
lovely quilt...only one photo came up. No cat photo either. cheers d
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