Mother and I canned cherries this week for those long cold winter months (or so I am told). It is a very simple process and I learned all the old tricks passed down from my Grandmother to my Mother and now to me. Maybe I can now pass them on to my daughter. Here are some photographs I took this morning while additional jars were cooling under a tea towel.
It is fun to hear the quiet gentle "pop" as each lid seals itself during the cooling process. While I was taking the photographs I included this one of Mother's magnificent kitchen window. It feels like you are living in a tree house as this level of the home is high up into the trees. 

While waiting for our house closing I am trying to stay busy with some small art adventures. I will have photographs soon of a painted red jacket!
Did you grow your own cherries? What can you do with cherries besides make pies next Feb? I remember looking at all of the fruits/vegetables that women canned. They were always stored in a basement. So much work before freezing came about. Beautiful photos...d
We bought the cherries at an Amish farm. We don't use these for pies; they are too nice! You serve them in champagne glasses as a dessert.
Definitely a sign you are settling in - that and the red jacket project. Both red... hmm. The lush greenery is quite a contrast too.
Vanessa, Red is my new favorite color! We just ordered a love seat/sleeper for the small guestroom amd selected a soft fabric in a beautiful red! Outside the bay window in that room is all that green of the woods. I agree, nice contrast.
Wow what a change in decor! Your new items are lovely! I have always enjoyed having each place setting different...I learned that from my creative mother. My Kansas grandparents had a Victrola. One of the records was "little brown jug'...amusing since it was a drinking song and they NEVER drank! Their victrola is now in the local museum. dee
Yes, it is a change...and we are loving it!
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