Over a year ago we started talking about moving; leaving the desert of New Mexico and replanting ourselves in the green hills of Pennsylvania. This area is my home, having grown up here and some of my family is still here. The move was easy for me. Roy was more than willing and we became more and more excited as the time came to drive East. When we made the decision, I promised Roy he could have something with wheels; a garden tractor, or a lawn tractor, or any of several other "toys", whichever would be appropriate to wherever we ended up. We ended up in a place that required a lawn tractor! 
He also bought a handy dandy big ole 17 cubic foot garden cart that attaches to the back and can haul all manner of stuff. He loves it! Here is the inaugural trip down our gravel driveway to the road. How cute is this???!!!
This is a happy happy man....which also makes me very happy! Of course there is a reality check needed here; the next purchase is the snow blade attachment.

reality check,check...and a nice comfy chair pad for mom to learn to drive ;-
Note; there is a real comfy seat already installed. Me drive it? Should not be a problem..seems pretty simple actually!
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