It was wonderful! Roy had his annual physical this morning and rather than sit in a waiting room with sick people I elected to spend the time at our local coffeehouse. I took my art journal book with me as well as a big bag of colored pencils, oil pastels, colored markers and a gold leaf pen. What fun I had! I drank really good coffee, had a raspberry scone and played with color. Here is the result. I am quite taken with drawing hands at the moment. The photograph in the lower right corner is one of me that I enhanced in PhotoShop. I like manipulating photos and plan to learn more about that for sure.
Oh, we rearranged my studio last week. Here you can see my drafting table where I work. We gave away the large and very heavy table I was using. This works better as I am not able to collect stuff in large piles any more! It is smaller so I am forced to keep it clean.
I want to live at the coffeehouse....... I will take photos next visit to share with you. A very cool place!
art, good; coffee good; scones passable... now what about that tradition of the coffee house tradition as an intellectual center?
zB the 18th c London coffee house
Hi Jude I really like your new table. I use the light weight tables that I can store and haul around when needed. Cheers Dee
I sent to you photos of the process of an art piece by Magu who I consider my mentor. The car is at the Claremont Museum of Art. Magu is so talented and willing to share information. Cheers Dee
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