My Mother has many interests, even as she confidently marches through her ninety-second year. However she does have two passions; making quilts and observing politics and the political process. She is more a patriot than anyone else I know. To this end she embarked on a project this year, to demonstrate her love of country and her support of our new president. With her permission I am sharing with you her letter to Our President which explains "the quilt story" told in this post.
To President and Mrs. Obama;
Dear Friends,
As a proud American, I want to share with you my personal contribution to your 2009 Economic Stimulus Project. During 2009 I am creating a series of handmade quilts, using my $250 stimulus check to purchase materials, the money spent locally to support small businesses. As of September first, I have completed five full sized quilts, with the sixth one underway.
These quilts will be given to friends and family. To further the stimulus concept, those who accept a quilt will agree to make a financial contribution to a local charity of their choice. In this way, the stimulus concept spreads to charitable institutions that are suffering as a result of current economic challenges.
Enclosed are photographs of quilts that are ready for distribution.
I share my story with you as an example of our support for your programs here in Northwestern Pennsylvania.
Elizabeth Ongley-Jennings, Ed. D
This is a photograph of the winter quilt which was chosen by my daughter, Erin.
This is a photograph of the autumn quilt chosen by my nephew Michael.
This is the summer quilt chosen by my sister Carol, who was not able to attend the presentation event. It is proudly shown by the quilter herself!
This is the patriotic quilt chosen by my niece Wendy, whose husband served in Iraq.
WOW What a wonderful woman. What she has done is an inspiration for all of us to do something special with that check. Go Elizabeth go! hugs to her! Dee
I agree...and I am very proud to be her daughter!
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